Contemporary Chord Workbook 2

Following on from Book One, this book presents information and exercises on the extended chords: 9ths, 11ths, 13ths, etc., using the same practical approach as the first book. Both books are suitable for all instruments as Treble and Bass Clef exercises have been given equal weight. For those interested in Composing, Arranging or four-part writing, the series provides a most thorough grounding.

  • Comprehensive guide to chords
  • Includes Modes
  • Suitable for all instruments

    Book One: The Building Blocks of Chords, plus all three and four-note chords.

    Book Two: Extended Chords - Ninths, Elevenths and Thirteenths.

    'Margaret Brandman has put together a magnificent basic theory text for all instruments. She skillfully lays out the immovable rocks of knowledge that support all western music - pop, jazz, classical, jazz-rock etc...

    -Bruce Clark, jazz guitarist, improviser and music educator

Click Here for a colour graphic of the contents of the Chord Workbook Series.